At the start of his book, our author Reinhard Schneider presented his observations and conclusions for discussion at an event in cooperation with the Heinrich Böll Foundation: What requirements should the planned German circular economy strategy meet? What role can the circular economy play in climate and resource protection? You can find out in the video.
A sustainable economy that protects the climate and resources requires a functioning circular economy. Only with cycles can we minimize our resource consumption and avoid waste by reusing and repairing products. Although a sustainable restructuring of the economy is urgently needed, there is still a lack of willingness to implement it: Reinhard Schneider, owner of the FROSCH brand, as a member of numerous industry networks, has seen how companies use green label fraud as a strategy instead of green change and consumers are happy to be deceived by this.
In his new book “The Distraction Trap. The hidden tricks of the ecology thwarters. “How we no longer put our environment at risk” Reinhard Schneider reveals the systemic failure of the economy, politics and society when it comes to environmental and climate protection. He describes his own path towards sustainable production and opens a debate about how we can create a sustainable future together and what concrete solutions can be.
The event took place on March 6, 2023 at the Heinrich Böll Foundation.
On the podium:
- Reinhard Schneider, managing partner, Werner & Mertz GmbH,
- Author MinDirig'in Susanne Szech-Koundouros, Head of the Raw Materials Policy, Circular Economy, Resource Protection and Environmental Law Sub-Department, BMWK
- Janine Korduan, circular economy consultant, BUND
- Dr. Claas Oehlmann, Managing Director of the BDI Circular Economy Initiative, BDI
- Nora Sophie Griefahn, Executive Co-Chairman, Cradle to Cradle NGO
- Moderation Hanna Gersmann, journalist
A cooperation between the Heinrich Böll Foundation and oekom publishing house